viernes, 10 de abril de 2015

Vocab test the Fault in our Stars Chapters 1 & 2

Something that happens again - A recurrence
To cry - to sob
To start/begin - to kick in
To make up for something bad you have done - To redeem
Gloomy/ Dark - Bleak
To walk with a sore leg - To limp
To suck up drink or food - To slurp
To pass away (slang) - To bite it
To push someone away - to fend off
Silly/nerdy looking - Goofy
Surprised - astonished
To struggle to breath - to gasp
Peace/calmness - Serenity
to fill your eyes with tears - To well up
to hang loosely - To sag
To make a low monotonous noise -To drone
To feel good - To be grand
A bonus/benefit - a perk
To decrease in size  - to shrink
To smile sarcastically - to smirk
an unsatisfactory/very small amount  - Meager
falling apart/old - Decrepit
Someone you know - An acquaintance
To mess about with things/to fidget - To fiddle
Disapproving - Chastening
To go red due to embarrassment - To blush
Doubtful - Dubious
To hold tight before impact - to brace
to boast/ say good things about yourself - To brag
To move suddenly - to jolt/jerk

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