miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

Film Trailer - I am Legend

HOMEWORK – compare the trailer and what we find out in the trailer, with the poster for I Am Legend.
Poster to be saved in a word document and annotated with at least 5/6 pieces of information you learn from looking at the poster and how these are similar to what we learn from the trailer.
Also include the information not included on the poster - what else do we find out about the plot through the trailer? 

viernes, 10 de abril de 2015

Mise-en-scene Homework

Vocab test the Fault in our Stars Chapters 1 & 2

Something that happens again - A recurrence
To cry - to sob
To start/begin - to kick in
To make up for something bad you have done - To redeem
Gloomy/ Dark - Bleak
To walk with a sore leg - To limp
To suck up drink or food - To slurp
To pass away (slang) - To bite it
To push someone away - to fend off
Silly/nerdy looking - Goofy
Surprised - astonished
To struggle to breath - to gasp
Peace/calmness - Serenity
to fill your eyes with tears - To well up
to hang loosely - To sag
To make a low monotonous noise -To drone
To feel good - To be grand
A bonus/benefit - a perk
To decrease in size  - to shrink
To smile sarcastically - to smirk
an unsatisfactory/very small amount  - Meager
falling apart/old - Decrepit
Someone you know - An acquaintance
To mess about with things/to fidget - To fiddle
Disapproving - Chastening
To go red due to embarrassment - To blush
Doubtful - Dubious
To hold tight before impact - to brace
to boast/ say good things about yourself - To brag
To move suddenly - to jolt/jerk

jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

Film Fridays

The 5 Elements of Mise en Scene

1. Settings & Props

Settings & Locations play an important part in film-making and are not just ‘backgrounds’

Sets are either built from scratch or a great deal of time is spent to find a setting which already

Settings can manipulate an audience by building certain expectations and then taking a
different turn

2. Costume, Hair & Make Up

Costume, Hair & Make Up act as an instant indicator to us of a character’s personality, status & job

It tells us immediately whether the film is set in the present and what society/or culture it will
centre around

Certain costumes can signify certain individuals (i.e. black cloak of a vampire, Spidey’s Spiderman

3. Facial Expressions & Body Language

Facial Expressions provide a clear indicator of how someone is feeling

If someone is smiling broadly, we assume they are happy but we may get a different feeling if this is
accompanied by scary music

Body Language may also indicate how a character feels towards another character or may reflect
the state of their relationship

4. Positioning of Characters & Objects within a frame

Positioning within a frame can draw our attention to an important character/object

A film-maker can use positioning to indicate relationships between people

5. Lighting & Colour

Lighting & Colour can be used to achieve a variety of effects:

To highlight important characters or objects within the frame

To make characters look mysterious by shading sections of the face & body

To reflect a characters mental state/hidden emotions (i.e. bright = happy, dark = disturbed, strobe
effect = confused)

                 LOW KEY LIGHTING:
Created by using only the key & back lights
Produces  sharp contrasts of light and dark areas
Deep, distinct shadows/silhouettesre formed
Example: Horror Films

More filler lights are used. Lighting is natural and realistic to our eyes
Produces brightly lit sets or a sunny day (right)
Example: Rom-Coms

Key word tranformation

Reported speech


Passive voice


Third conditional


Phrasal verbs
