lunes, 26 de enero de 2015

Vocab test Monday 2/02

From Of Mice and Men:
To nibble:to take small bites of something
 To hum:to sing with closed lips
 To jeer: to mock someone
 to stroke: to caress/pet
 to cover: to put something over another
 sorrowfully: sadly
to arise: to start/increase
 to hurl: to throw
 sullenly: silently angry
 to tend: to look after
Coarse: rough
To writhe: to twist, struggle
Hoarse: throaty, rough, weak voice
Woe: worry
To confide: to tell a secret
Soothing: relaxing
Earnestly: seriously, formally

From the poem Quickdraw:
OTo sling
OA pellet
OThe mark
OTo blast
OTo reel
OTo fumble

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