jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Educating the East End

Educating the East End

This is a follow up series based on a school in London. Watch episode 3 and complete the exercises below. You must copy these into a Word document. Remember to save your work and to include today´s date:

·         What do you think makes a great Head Boy or Head Girl?

·         Malaika is described as a ´rough diamond´. Explain what this means, use examples from the episode.

·         This espisode concentrates on several different pupils. What do you learn about these pupils? You must use quotes from the episode to prove your point. These quotes can be what they say, what the teachers say, what the narrator says…

What do you learn from the teachers?
What do you learn from the other students?
What do you think about their Head Boy/Girl potential? Explain your answers in detail.





·         Why were the teachers dressed in Fancy Dress?
·         Why do you think Malaika´s behavior deteriorated at school?
·         Who would you have voted for and why?
·         Would you like to be Head Boy/ Head Girl in this school? Explain your answer.

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